The Obsession with Ageing

British Kashmiri Girl
2 min readFeb 3, 2022

The Times of London has done an excellent investigation into the dangers of unregulated botoxo clinics here in the UK.

Titled ‘‘Black market’ Botox scars women for life: ractitioners with no professional medical qualifications use social media to target women and girls, an investigation by undercover Times reporters has found’.

It is a chilling read. A young girl around the age of 2 0 or 21, who works as a receptionist at my gym has totally ruined her looks. I had wondered how she afforded these things (I wonder if there are those easy credits available to such vulnerable women?).

Why are we so obsessed with ageing? It is something that cannot be reversed. We are continuously ageing and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it, so why don’t we embrace it? People can put all sorts of chemicals into their faces, but it is not just our looks that age, our eyes, voice, teeth, brain, lungs, heart etc all age. It’s a natural process. It is normal to get lines. We need to stop being so scared of this natural process.

What is important, in my humble opinion, is that people focus on leading a healthy life style which doesn’t only mean what they eat, but it is also about what goes into our brains. The power of positive thinking and a positive outlook on life is so underrated. With good health anything is possible. Instead we worry about superficial things, when we need to try and lead a good healthy lifestyle. We should embrace ageing and stop worrying about things we cannot control and instead focus on leading a good life surrounded by people and thoughts that bring out the best in ourselves rather than the the things and people who feed on our worst fears. It’s time stop fearing ageing.

